Courage to Lead Online Phone Bank - Wed Sept 1 EST

Wednesday Sep 1, 6pm

Online - RSVP for link

Hosted by: Kate Hodgson

We’ve done the math and we need to make 90,000 calls to progressive voters in battleground ridings if we want to elect courageous leaders who will lead the charge for a transformational Just Transition and a Basic Income.

We’ve selected a handful of bold candidates across the country and across party lines that are willing to stand up - even to their own parties - in order to deliver. They’re running in key ridings where we have a strong core of support that could have a big impact - even just a few hundred votes could make the difference between winning or losing.

That’s why we need to make sure that every person who cares about building a safe and fair future votes in this election.

Study after study shows that the most effective way to boost voter turnout is having direct conversations with voters -- and together we can easily reach tens of thousands of voters in the tightest races to elect champions for a Just Transition and a Basic Income - if enough of us show up to make calls.

Training will be provided, so no experience is necessary! Just bring a fully charged phone and we’ll make sure you have everything you need to start calling.

Date: Wednesday September 1
Time: 3-5:30pm PST / 6-8:30pm EST
Location: Zoom (RSVP to get your link)


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